i think it’s paper….

Today is our one year anniversary. Master and i were married in a little church in the near by town at 4pm November 1, 2003. All our friends and family were there and it was the second best day of my life. The best day of my life was the day we had my collaring ceremony. We really had a wonderful time and i was so pleased that i didn’t faint at the wedding. i have been known to faint or “black out” when i’m in a wedding. i think that everything was just so perfect and i felt so good about it, that there was no way i was going to faint. my brother gave me away and my sister and best friend stood up for me. Master had His two best friends stand up for Him and everyone looked amazing. The girls wore black Ann Klein dresses and they were stunning. Both of them are incredibly beautiful women so you could put a gunny sack on them and they would still look great.

The one thing that made the day so perfect was that before the wedding, after i was gone to the church, Master got a phone call from our lawyer. We had been in an appeals case for over 2 years trying to get my disability approved. The lawyer called to say that i had won my case and i would be getting my disability that i had worked so hard for. Master didn’t say a word about it to anyone before the wedding and when the Minister pronounced us Man and wife, Master leaned over and told me that i won my case!!!!!! i had a flurry of emotion, i was happy, i was relieved, i was in shock…… not to mention that i had just gotten married to the Man of my dreams. It was surreal to say the least.

Master and i spent the night at a local hotel in a whirlpool suite and we didn’t take our honeymoon until several months later. The next day my family had to leave to return to their respective lives, my brother and his family had to fly back to Boston and my sister and her family back to Illinois. my mom and grandma were going to stay to help open gifts but they opted to head back to Illinois as well. We spent the entire day with Master’s mom opening gifts and that was a blast!! i never thought that we would be getting gifts, i just didn’t put any thought in to it and i was just dumbfounded by everyone’s generosity. i’ll never forget Master’s gift to me. Master was a little surprised when His mom told Him that i got Him a wedding gift. So, knowing me as well as He does, He got me two boxes of Crunch n Munch. It’s been a running joke with us since we have been together as i’m a Crunch n Munch fanatic!!! So the gift was perfect!!! i couldn’t have been happier.

We will be going out tonight to celebrate our anniversary although Master hasn’t said where we will be going. i’m sure that there will be some play time when we get home to commemorate the occasion at least i’m *hoping*.

As to my title…. i think the symbol for the first anniversary is paper!

Peace to you and yours!

MD’s treasure

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